Character Name: SifuAkatSu Age:19 RL name:komming Country: europe Character Level: 190 Character Class: fb Character nation: cap Character Creation date: 14/13/2012 Achievement score: 1824 Honor (lv/%):13 Nation: Erinyes is Procyon nation, if you are Capella will you change?
What was your old guild and why did you leave it? my old guild no active and cant farm afi
Why do you want to join Erinyes? I want to play with active player 24h/24
Your Cabal Story:
Why should we recruit you in Erinyes? I m active for dg
Set: Weapon(s):craftman mith Blade +15 Gloves:craftman mith glove +15 Suit: sig 10 amp +15 Boots: sig 10 amp +15 Helm: osm 36+15