Character Name: StellaRosa
Age: 21
RL name: Damir
Country: Serbia
Character Level: 181
Character Class: bl
Character nation: capella
Character Creation date: 2010-02-07
Achievement score:
1050(i just got back to cabal after a 1yr pause)
Honor (lv/%):
69.397.351 class 13 64.66%
Nation: Erinyes is Procyon nation, if you are Capella will you change?
when i achieve hr20 (that's why i switched to caps in 1st place
What was your old guild and why did you leave it?
HardCores (well the guild wasn't active anymore so i had to leave in order to find a better(more active one) guild
Why do you want to join Erinyes? Well its kinda lonely, and beside the dungeon spam i want to be able to chit-chat with other players while we grind
Your Cabal Story:
started 2008, got hacked by a friend, came back again in 2010, stopped 2012 summer, came back 2days ago
Why should we recruit you in Erinyes?
bcs i know alot about the game and im friendly.
Weapon(s): mit katana 20/3amp +11 // s.t katana 24/7/7amp +15
Gloves: s.t +10 20att/7amp/3hp steal
Suit: mistic +9 7/50
Boots: s.t +9 7/80hp/30max hps/p/h/up
Helm: bluestin +12 40/7rate
Epaulet: sig meteal of fighter +7
Ring1: rol+2
Ring2: merga
Ring3: tyrant
Ring4: cr+2
Amulet: aop+5
Earings: drosings x2 (40hps/p/h/up) and (x2drosings 66def,56def)
Bracelets: x2 bof6
Board/bike: k-red
Pet: lv10 3amp 8att 1rate
CD: lvl5
Amp: /
Atk: lvl9
Vamp: /
def: /
max crit: lvl2
Blended runes:
Dungeons (party dung only):
FI: 50
IC2: 134
FT2: 59
MO: 58
EOD3: 0